For many cigar lovers, enjoying a fine cigar is one of life’s great pleasures. However, there are certain etiquette rules to follow when smoking cigars in social settings that show respect for others. Here are some dos and don’ts to keep in mind:
The Dos in Cigar Smoking Etiquette
-Do Ask Permission
Always ask those around you if they mind you lighting up a cigar before doing so. Even if you’re outdoors, the smoke and smell may be unpleasant or even toxic for some. Get their consent first.
Do Choose Your Cigar Wisely
When smoking in groups, go with mild-to-medium bodied cigars so as not to overwhelm others with strong smoke. Save full-bodied cigars for when you’re alone or with other enthusiasts. Also keep cigar sizes reasonable—no giant Churchill cigars in mixed company.
Do Offer Others Cigars
If you’re enjoying cigars with cigar aficionados, graciously offer them a cigar as well. Have a variety on hand in case they’d like to partake with you. However, don’t pressure them if they decline.
Do Watch the Ash
Tap off ash frequently so it doesn’t fall on those around you. Also avoid waving around a cigar with a long ash—it could accidentally fall off. Hold cigar bands when removing them, so they don’t fling onto someone.
Do Bring a Cutter and Lighter
Always have your own cutter and lighter instead of asking others to borrow theirs. For lighters, use butane torches sparingly as they can annoy nonsmokers with the noise.
The Don’ts in Cigar Smoking Etiquette
Don’t Just Light Up
Never light up a cigar without asking first out of courtesy. Even when outside, many would prefer not to be engulfed by smoke. Get their permission first before sparking your stogie.
Don’t Let It Go Out
Repeatingly relighting a cigar to keep it from going out can be distracting. Use an ashtray stand to easily tap off ash while allowing the cigar to stay lit. Bring matches or a lighter to touch it up quickly if needed.
Don’t Hog the Humidor
If cigars are provided at an event, don’t hog the entire humidor. Restrain yourself to one or two cigars so others can enjoy them as well. Buy your own to smoke if you want more.
Don’t Wave It Around
Avoid waving your cigar dramatically in the air while talking—you may inadvertently get ash or smoke in someone’s face. By your side in a resting position is best while conversing.
Don’t Discard Ash Negligently
Always carefully tap cigar ash into an ashtray. Never tap ashes onto the floor or ground. Hold onto spent cigars or cigar butts until you can properly dispose of them. No one wants to clean up after you.
Following good cigar etiquette rules ensures you don’t annoy those around you when enjoying a fine cigar. Be considerate of others by asking first, minimizing smoke and properly disposing ofashes. With some gracious gestures and respect of personal space, your cigar smoking can be pleasant for all.
At Stogies, we’re proud to partner with some of the top cigar brands to make premium cigars accessible and affordable online and at our retail cigar store in Houston, TX. Explore our full selection and join us for a smoke at our Houston indoor cigar lounge.
Looking for more expert tips and recommendations? Check out our cigar blog for articles that will help you find new favorites.