The Legacy of Arturo Fuante Lost City Cigars: Why It’s a Staple Among Aficionados

The Arturo Fuente cigar company was founded in 1912 in Tampa, Florida by a young Cuban immigrant named Arturo Fuente. Over the past century, the Fuente family has built their small tobacco shop into one of the most renowned premium cigar brands in the world. While Fuente offers excellent cigars across multiple lines, perhaps none is more prized by aficionados than their rare Lost City blend.

Continuing with Struggles 

In the late 1990s, a violent hurricane decimated much of the Fuente family farm. But deep in the wreckage, some tobacco plants had miraculously survived untended in a remote corner of the property. The Fuentes discovered these untouched plants months later and found their leaves to be of extraordinary quality, no doubt due to the nutrient-rich soil and unique growing conditions. This fortunate discovery marked the genesis of the Lost City blend.

Keeping Up with the Production 

Only the most flawless wrapper leaves grown under pristine conditions on the family’s vintage Chateau de la Fuente farm in the Dominican Republic’s fertile Cibao valley are selected for Lost City. The proprietary tobacco used in these coveted cigars possesses an exquisite sweetness and enticing aroma that makes Lost City one of the most sought-after blends today.

The painstaking effort and rarity involved in harvesting tobacco for Lost City cigars. It means only a scant number of boxes are produced each year. Fuente keeps allocation limited strictly to select tobacconists in order to deter black market profiteers. With demand constantly outweighing supply, Lost City commands up to $45 or more per cigar when available making it one of the world’s most expensive smokers.

The Exceptional Smoking Experience

But far beyond the lore and price tag, Lost City has earned its sterling reputation on sheer smoking experience alone. The oily Ecuadorian wrappers emit a captivating, sweet cedar aroma, enclosing a smooth blend of Dominican long fillers and binders. Each puff unveils complex layers of flavor—from nutty, coco, and cinnamon to subtle notes of coffee and cherry. The draw and burn are flawless from beginning to end.

Smoking a Lost City is an experience akin to sampling a fine single malt scotch or aged wine—subtle, nuanced, and elegant. The rich yet balanced character has earned exceptionally high ratings from top industry publications like Cigar Aficionado.

Click here to shop Arturo Funte Lost City that we have in stock!

The Coveted Cult Favorite

For longtime Fuente fans and cigar enthusiasts, Lost City’s emergence felt like a revelation. The realization of just how sublime a hand rolled cigar could be when made with absolute mastery and peak leaf. Two decades later, Lost City remains the impossible-to-find unicorn that every aficionado yearns to have in their humidor.

Much like the legendary tobacco fields they have sprung from, Arturo Fuente’s Lost City cigars represent the very pinnacle of what can happen when nature, fortune, and human artisanship serendipitously collide. Their reign as the cigar world’s most coveted smoke for over 20 years shows no signs of fading anytime soon.

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