The world of premium cigars has long been dominated by a few major legacy brands. Few examples for such brands are Arturo Fuente, Padrón, Davidoff, and Ashton. However, over the past decade, several small boutique cigar makers popped up. They started garnering attention from aficionados with their unique blends and flavor profiles. Here are four relatively new cigar brands that are causing quite a stir in the cigar community.
Crux Cigars
Founded in 2014 by longtime cigar enthusiast Jeff Haugen, Crux Cigars is dedicated to community and exceptional flavor. Haugen got his start running the Tobacco Grove cigar shop in Minneapolis in 1992, gaining invaluable knowledge from industry friends. He later traveled extensively in Nicaragua to learn cigar production firsthand. That’s the turning point of this brand as well. Based on the experience, Crux uses only premium tobaccos from esteemed Plasencia farms.
Available in several ranges like Epicure, Guild, and Bull & Bear, Crux brings a sense of exploration to the palette. As the Latin name suggests, crux represents the crossroads in life’s journey where one finds their calling. For Haugen, that calling was Crux.
Explore our top picks from Crux Cigars online:
Crux Epicure Maduro Robusto Extra
Crux Epicure Habano Corona Gorda
Crux Bull & Bear Double Corona
Bocock Cigars
Inspired by his time managing a Honduran nightclub renowned for its expansive walk-in humidor, Bryant Bocock launched Bocock Cigars with his brother Douglas. Immersing himself in cigar culture enabled Bryant to forge relationships with local producers and learn the nuances of tobacco cultivation under master blenders. After returning stateside, the Bocock brothers sought to redefine the cigar experience for fellow aficionados. Because of that, it helped the brand to reach greater heights as well.
Named for their distinct surname and symbolized by a confident rooster, Bocock’s World Traveler Collection features approachable yet exceptional blends crafted from Bryant’s extensive notes. Boldly “embark on a journey unlike any other” with Bocock.
Explore our top picks from Bocock Brothers Online
Bocock Brothers Connecticut Robusto
Los Statos Cigars
Revamping a famous pre-revolution Cuban cigar brand, Los Statos Cigars was relaunched in 2022 through a partnership between Matt Booth of Room 101 and Scandinavian Tobacco Group’s Justin Andrews. Keeping traditional aficionados in mind while appealing to modern sensibilities, Los Statos Deluxe delivers a medium-full bodied smoking experience crafted at the storied La Gloria factory. Balancing old-world character with contemporary twists, Los Statos brings an air of nostalgia to the modern cigar landscape.
Explore our top picks from Los Statos Online
Los Statos Deluxe Maduro Robusto
Los Statos Deluxe Full Time Toro
Luciano Cigars
Emerging from a nonprofit cigar workshop in Estelí, Nicaragua, Luciano Cigars is the realization of a dream to create premium hand-rolled cigars while providing fair jobs. Originally producing for other brands under Ace Prime, Luciano parted ways in 2019 to launch their independent, vertically-integrated operation.
After considerable growth in just three years, including a formative early partnership with Crowned Heads, Luciano sees their namesake brand as entering an exciting new chapter. With an unwavering commitment to quality and people, Luciano promises a passionate, creative approach in every cigar they craft by hand.
Explore our top picks from Luciano Cigars Online
Foreign Affair Rothschild by Luciano Cigars
Fiat Lux Geniuses by Luciano Cigars
Final Words
As you can see, there is a stiff competition between the new cigar brands that came out to the market. This is quite a good news for people who love cigars. You can take a look at the options available and go ahead with the best. Along with that, you can also explore creativity and innovation that cigar world has to offer.