Zino Nicaraguan Robusto Fresh Packs
Transport yourself to cigar heaven with Zino Nicaragua Toro Fresh Packs – an exquisite selection of four premium cigars, perfect for unwinding and escaping the stresses of everyday life. These hand-rolled treats showcase a mélange of rich, complex flavors, from the sweetness of salted nuts and dark chocolate to the invigorating fresh cracked pepper and smooth cappuccino notes.
Each cigar features a flawless Connecticut Ecuadorian wrapper, enveloping the finest aged Nicaraguan long-fillers and Indonesian binder leaves. The Fresh Pack keeps these beauties fresh for up to three months, even without a humidor. Simply tear open the innovative packaging and enjoy exceptional construction and a consistently smooth, cool burn.
Wherever you choose to partake, Zino Nicaragua Toro Fresh Packs offer a world-class smoking experience in every puff. With four sublime smokes per pack, you’ll always have an affordable luxury within arm’s reach. Treat yourself to the rich tobacco taste and soul-soothing tranquility found only in these premium, Nicaraguan handcrafted cigars.
Experience smooth refinement punctuated by rich roasted spice in the Zino Nicaraguan robusto offered exclusively by Stogies Cigars in space-saving Fresh Packs, locking in maximum flavor and aroma but only while supplies last!
Name | Price | Stock | Buy |
Zino Nicaraguan Robusto Fresh Packs | $26.00 | Out of stock |
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